Tolhek Pijnacker
Tolhek is a typical enlargement wthin the region Rotterdam-The Hague and serves the purpose of the need of town houses in this region. Special is the incorporation of the regional green-blue network, a central park and the transportation system in the direction of the two greater cities.
client | city council of Pijnacker-Nootdorp |
assignment | urban design, landscape and supervision |
program | 1250 homes, station and facilities |
team | Donald Lambert (design), Tom de Munk (design), Stijnie Lohof, Shoreh Shirazi, Honoré van Rijswijk, Martijn van Diessen, Jeroen Leemans en Filippus van Leeuwen |
year | 2000 – 2012 |
images | Kraaijvanger Urbis, Peter de Ruig |
themes | urbanism |